Fashion and personal grooming are constantly changing among people with different hair and beard styles, and among today’s young Muslims, one of these styles is popular in modern society: R9. This hair style is named after a famous Footballer ‘Cristiano Ronaldo’ who dons number 9 Real Madrid football Club, the style have ignited controversy in Muslim society as to its legal . This division of research based on the analysis is divided into achieving the following objectives in order to offer an all-round perception of the Islamic perspective on R9 haircut:
Understanding the R9 Haircut
Returning to the Islamic point of view, it is essential to know something about the R9 haircut first. This modern hairstyle is characterized by:
- Growing out more hair on the top of the head and may be gel the hair up or to the side.
- Shortened hair on the lateral and back sides, which can be gradually thinned, with blending called fade or undercut
- Short at the crown and longer on the sides and the back.
This kind of haircut is so sought for because it is connected with famous stars and sportmen Ronaldo, as well as it has almost a reputation of a modern haircut.
Islamic Rules Concerning Haircuts
Grooming is among some of the areas in which Islam has given a comprehensive way of dealing with this issue, namely hairstyle. The fundamental principles governing hair in Islam include:
1. Cleanliness and Hygiene
Purity of the person is highly in Islam and Muslims are encouraged to clean themselves. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“Cleanliness is half of faith” (Sahih Muslim)
As highlighted in this hadith, hair should also be clean and tidy part of the body since it is part of the natural hair.
2. Moderation
As for dressing and appearing, nothing in Islam excludes moderation. The Quran states:
“Thus We have made you a moderate community” (Quran 2:143)
This principle basically frowns on hairstyles that should be viewed as outrageous or extreme just to attract attention.
3. Avoiding Imitation of Non-Muslims
The Islam overall has a general rule which is not to go or mix with other religions and cultures and not to entirely emulate the practices of other religions. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
It is said from the Hadith: “Whoever imitates a people is one of them” (Abu Dawud)
This hadith has been used by some scholars to raise eyebrows on hair styles that are most likely to be related to infidels orollywood celebrities.
4. Natural Creation
Islam also encourages the people to keep the form, which Allah has bestowed upon them. For some reason people are normally advised not to change their appearance too much or too often.
The Concept of Qaza’ in Islam
According to Islamic scholars the focal issue of discussion when it comes to the R9 haircut is qaza’. Qaza means where the head is partly shaved and some parts are not shaved. This practice was prohibited in the worst way by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
In a hadith narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar, it is reported:
It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) prohibited qaza’. What is qaza’? Nafi’ (a narrator) was asked, “It is when a boy has his head cropped and part of the head left unshaven here and there.” Bukhari Vol.7:5921, Muslim Book 33:2120
This prohibition laid out the backdrop to the controversy of the R9 haircut and similar ones.
Another part of criticizing and control mechanisms is the R9 Haircut.
Many Islamic scholars argue that the R9 haircut is not permissible based on the following reasons:
1. Resemblance to Qaza’
There is one aspect, though, that resembles the qaza’ style that has been forbidden according to the hadith – it is the longer hair on top of the head with the hair at the sides cut shorter in the R9 cut. Other scholars opine that if one side is not completely shaved then because of the disparity in the heights that are produced it has a similar impact.
2. Emulation of non-Muslims cultural behaviors exemplo 4
In light of the fact that entertainment celebrities adopted the R9 haircut to their beauty look, some scholars find imitating their look as compromising the Islamic Shariah prohibition against imitation.
3. Attracting Undue Attention
Purdah is one of the Islam’s principles which include avoiding the presentation of oneself in a provocative manner. Others have posited that the concept of a R9 haircut may be counter to this thinking, for the simple reason that it is a flashy and striking do.
4. Pride and vanity is always a possibility when it comes to purchasing products, this is why it is strong.
Some people feel that growing such a very trendy hairdo will bring pride or vanity which are forbidden in the Islamic religion. The Quran warns:
“And do not walk upon the earth exultantly. Indeed, you will never tear the earth [apart], and you will never reach the mountains in height.” (Quran 17:37)
Arguments for Permissibility
While many scholars lean towards prohibiting the R9 haircut, some argue for its permissibility based on the following points:
1. Intent and Context
They posit that type matters not as much as motive The[counterargues argument of these scholars is that intent is decisive in this matter . Should one’s intention be moderation that is, not mimicking the infidels nor being conspicuous, it can be lawful.
2. They provide a modern interpretation of Qaza’ (Kapchan, 2005).
On the extent of the freedom, including in relation to the prohibition of qaza’ some scholars who recommend the prohibition was specific to the cultural context in which the prophet lived and therefore it may not be fully applicable today in modern hair styles. They provided that while it has different length, in shaving the beard, it does not trimming leaving behind isolated tufts of hair as described in hadith.
3. Gradual Transition
The opponents have insisted that many of the R9 haircuts are characterized by a blending of the longer top with the sides that are shortened. They say this slow approach of slipping from one into the other sets it apart from the banned qaza’ style.
4. Cultural Norms
We can note that some scholars take into account cultural practices of various societies when regarding to the Islamic guidelines. When they do not associate R9 cut with any particular non-Muslim group they may view it in a more lenient manne.
Scholarly Opinions and Fatwas
Various Islamic scholars and institutions have issued opinions (fatwas) regarding the R9 haircut and similar styles:
- The Standing Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’ in Saudi Arabia has declared that the hairstyles wherein the person shaves the part of the head and leave other parts are unlawful since they come under qaza’.
- In the reserved of one of the most famous Saudi scholar named Sheikh Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid also found the idea that reassures that of the length different between the top and sides of the head should not be done in case it resembles qaza’.
- Some of the scholars from the university of al-Azhar in Egypt have proposed less stringent attitude as to the acceptable or prohibited hair cutting and they have recommended that a hair cutting which does not involve the total shaving of some regions of the head while leaving out other parts might be permissible.
- The European Council for Fatwa and Research does not deliver an opinion about the R9 haircut in particular but speaks in general about exclusive haircuts just copying non-Muslims.
Cultural Considerations
It should however be noted that this was in as far as the culture of Islamic guidelines as adapted in different cultures and regions differs. The standards in which one community may perceive dress as mimicking non-Muslims may be a benign fashion taste in remaining communities. This research therefore poses the following question; how can Muslims living in multicultural societies adopt to religious practices while at the same time assimilating in the culture of the society they live in?
Ways to the R9 Haircut
For those who wish to maintain a stylish appearance while adhering to more conservative interpretations of Islamic guidelines, several alternatives exist:
- Uniform Length: When hair are preserved at the same length from all around the head, no likeness to qaza’ is obtained.
- Subtle Tapering: Choosing a less abrupt and more subtle transition from top hair to sides leaves the look quite clean without abrupt color changes.
- Traditional Islamic Styles: Researching the more traditional hair styles which are considered to be among the first generations of Muslims as well as the companions of the Prophet is not only furthering the religious path, but can also create an entirely new image.
- Moderate Styling: To groom long hair neat but not styled in excess of moderate levels, although no fade is preferred.
The Importance of Personal Conviction
Under usual circumstances there are scholarly discrepancies in the matters of law and only and individual belief holds a great impact. As far as prayers are concerned, Muslims are advised to do research, seek knowledge and listening to scholar to come up with a conclusion that they have to practice.
The Quran emphasizes the importance of following one’s conscience:
It is better for yourselves – be afraid of Allah as much as you can, listen to and obey your Lord, and spend on the rights of Allah. And whoever is protected from the greed of his heart – so it will be the successful ones.” (Quran 64:16)
This article shows that the R9 haircut in Islam is a good example of the discussion between the old and new cultures. Despite this rationale many scholars consider recommending this style against due to its likeness to qaza’ as well as the likelihood of emulation of non-Islamic practices some support this with intent, culture and modernity as precedent.
Lastly, Muslims continue and make decisions that can work order with Islamic values as they freely live their lives within societies. One cannot forget that in Islam beauty of appearances is ranked second to the beauty of character, deeds, and belief.
When Muslims face all these issues, it is important to do it for the sake of Allah, deliberately and seeking knowledge in all facets of life. The variety of concepts and ideas regarding to this issue proves the variety of views in Islamic science and the capacity of the religion to respond to modern challenges.
Therefore, no matter what people decide to do by cutting their hairs to have R9 haircut or choose a different style, people should remember to be modest, clean and not radical. As the Quran reminds us:
Oh sons of Adam, We have placed for you to cover your shame and for beauty.” But the best garment he had in mind is the garment of righteousness. These are some of God’s signs that they might take heed. (Quran 7:26)
R9 Haircut: Islamic Perspective FAQ
1. Is R9 Haircut Halal or Haram?
Scholars have mixed opinions
Probably unsafe because the hair is not of equal length.
It is suggested to consult local religious leaders
2. But in what way might it be controversial?
Looks like prohibited “qaza’ hairstyle
Could mimic non-Muslim behaviour
May cause some undue attention
3. What Do Muslims/Al-Islam Teach about Hair Styles?
Emphasize cleanliness
Encourage moderation
Do not emulate extravagance
Prioritize inner character
4. Are There Alternatives?
Uniform hair length
Subtle tapering
Traditional Islamic styles
Modest haircuts
5. Final Recommendation?
Seek scholarly guidance
Consider religious principles
Focus on intention
Sacrifice physical beauty and physical appearance for gaining spirituality and spiritual development.